This weekend we are offering $5 off Roses (and hanging baskets). We took a stroll around the Garden Center Yard with Heather, and she pointed out some of her favorite Roses to share with you!
Overall, Heather loves the David Austin Roses, they are pest resistant and hardy. They have been bred to do particularly well in this area, and many of their varieties have a lovely scent which is always a big draw for folks. A fun and notable variety from David Austin is Roald Dahl, if you have a bibliophile in your life this would make a perfect gift!
We have a wonderful selection of Knock Out Roses. Heather noted that these are really what started the Renaissance for roses because they are such a great variety. They are disease and pest resistant. We have an exciting new variety of knock out roses this year, Petite Knock Outs! This is perfect for someone who wants to grow roses but doesn’t have a ton of space. They would do well on a patio in a planter!
Drift roses are in stock which have all the benefits of a knockout and they will stay around 3’ x 3’ making them very manageable.
If you are looking for shrub roses to fill your landscape, we have a great selection. Shrub roses have a May – November bloom and are self-cleaning so they don’t need to be deadheaded like other verities.
Heather suggests companion planting your roses, if you have just roses in your garden, you will get monocultures and disease can take over very easily. Salvias and Veronicas are great companion plants, as well as Nepeta which looks great in the foreground of your roses! Lavender is another great choice to pair with your roses. A good rule of thumb would be to look for plants that are going to make your roses really pop in the landscape!
We are here 9 am – 6 pm daily! Come on in and let us help you plan your rose garden!