Spring is here and our Garden Center is in full swing!
Shrubs and bushes are taking center stage in the yard and among them are some gorgeous Azaliea Hino Crimson. Azaliea Hino Crimson have a stunning flower that is sure to make your garden pop. Another lovely bush in the garden center is the Bloomerang Lilac, a unique lilac bush that will rebloom!
We still have lots of Fruit Trees available Apples, Peach, and more. In addition to our fruit trees, there are lovely Evergreens. Evergreens are a great tree if you are looking to screen your property. We have many varieties that are deer resistant!
Fruit and Veg
Organic Peppers Keep inside until the weather warms up
Organic Eggplant Keep inside until the weather warms up
Organic Tomato Keep inside until the weather warms up
Blueberry These can go in the ground now
Blackberry These can go in the ground now
Raspberry These can go in the ground now
Strawberry These can go in the ground now
Edible Figs Keep protected in an indoor garage until the weather is a bit more predicable
This is just a small peek in to what is new in the Garden Center. We are brining new product daily this time of year. Stop by and chat with one of our staff members to make the most of your garden!