Discover Delicious Berries at Linvilla Orchards’ Garden Center

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, we have a fantastic selection of blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry plants ready to bring a burst of flavor to your garden. Let’s explore the varieties we have in stock.

Raspberry Plants: Heritage Variety

If you’re looking for a reliable raspberry plant that will provide fruit multiple times a year, look no further than our Heritage variety. Known for its everbearing nature, the Heritage raspberry plant produces delicious berries throughout the spring, summer, and fall. This means you can enjoy fresh, home-grown raspberries for months on end. Perfect for making jams, desserts, or just enjoying straight from the vine, the Heritage raspberry is a must-have for any berry enthusiast.

Blueberry Plants: Berrybux and Bluecrop

Blueberries are a favorite for many gardeners, and at Linvilla Orchards, we offer two outstanding varieties: Berrybux from Bushel and Berry, and Bluecrop.

  • Berrybux: This versatile variety is perfect for those with limited space. Berrybux plants can be grown in pots, making them ideal for patios or small gardens. Despite their compact size, they produce an abundance of delicious berries that are perfect for snacking, baking, or adding to your morning cereal.
  • Bluecrop: For those with more space, Bluecrop is an excellent highbush blueberry variety. It’s well-suited for backyard planting and is known for its high yield and large, flavorful berries. Bluecrop blueberries are perfect for fresh eating, freezing, or making your favorite blueberry recipes.

Blackberry Plants: Ouachita and Baby Cakes

Blackberries are another delicious addition to any garden, and we have two fantastic varieties available: Ouachita and Baby Cakes.

  • Ouachita: This variety is renowned for its large, sweet berries and thornless canes, making it a gardener-friendly choice. Ouachita blackberries are great for fresh eating, canning, or making delectable blackberry pies and preserves.
  • Baby Cakes: From Bushel and Berry, Baby Cakes is a unique variety that thrives in pots, making it perfect for patios or smaller garden spaces. This compact plant produces an abundance of large, sweet berries that are perfect for snacking or adding to your favorite desserts.

Visit Today!

Our Garden Center is stocked and ready with these incredible berry plants. Whether you have a spacious garden or a cozy patio, we have the perfect berry plants to suit your needs. Growing your own berries is not only rewarding but also a great way to ensure you have fresh, delicious fruit at your fingertips.

Come visit us at Linvilla Orchards’ Garden Center to pick up your berry plants today. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you choose the right plants and provide tips to ensure a bountiful harvest. Happy gardening!