Compost, Soil & Mulch

What to Know

Our Garden Center carries a variety of bagged mulch, compost and soils for your garden! If you are looking for product in bulk you may be interested in our Bulk Materials made here on the farm!

Bulk Materials

If you you are interested in purchasing any of the products you see below give us a call 610-876-7116! Both pickup and delivery must be scheduled in advance. 


Screened topsoil from various farm projects. Great for filling and grading projects!

$30/yd plus delivery and tax.

Garden Soil

Screened 50/50 blend of Linvilla’s topsoil and Linvilla’s compost.

$38/yd.  plus delivery and tax $25/ ½  yd.


Screened compost made here on the farm in collaboration with My Kitchen Harvest compost collection service. Adding compost to your garden improves soil drainage, adds porosity for stronger plant roots, and multiplies soil microorganisms!

$40/yd plus delivery and tax.

Natural Wood Mulch

Linvilla's all natural wood mulch is made from local tree cuttings! Undyed, ground, and screened.

$26/yd plus delivery and tax.
Truck Load Special* (7yds) $199 plus tax.
*The Truck Load Special includes the delivery charge.

Screened Wood Chips

Ideal for play areas and walkways.

$23/yd plus delivery and tax

Bagged Materials

Linvilla’s Garden Center offers many types of soil amendments to create the ideal conditions necessary for your plants to succeed. Bagged leaf compost, mushroom soil, humus and composted manure add nutrients to the soil. Perlite, vermiculite and peat moss are commonly added to help aerate the soil and retain soil moisture. Lime increases the pH and acidifiers reduce it. Your garden beds will benefit from additional topsoil and a layer of mulch. Mulch will ward off weeds and help retain moisture in the summer months while adding a finishing touch to your property. We have many varieties and colors in bags. Our complete line of potting soils includes material for seed starting, houseplants, orchids, cactus and African violets.

Below you will find a list of our bagged materials, if you are looking for something specific please give us a call to verify that we currently have it! 610-876-7116

My Kitchen Harvest + Linvilla Orchards Compost

15-qt. bagged product - "KH Compost" Is a high-quality, 1/2" finely screened compost made from a rich blend of organic materials like food scraps and fallen leaves. It's perfect for improving soil structure to promote healthy plant growth.

Bagged Mulch

Brown Mulch 2 cu. ft. 
Black Mulch 2 cu. ft. 
Red Mulch 2 cu. ft. 
Natural Mulch Organic 1.5 cu. ft.


Garden Pro Composted Cow Manure 1 cu. ft
Espoma Mushroom Compost .75cu. ft
Espoma Land and Sea Compost 1 cu. ft. 


Espoma Organic Potting Mix various sizes from 8qt. - 2 cu. ft.
Espoma Veg and Flower 1 cu. ft. 
Espoma Raised Bed 1.5 cu. ft.
Espoma Cow Manure Compost Blend 1 cu. ft
Espoma Organic Moisture Mix 1 cu. ft.
Espoma Garden Soil 1 cu. ft. 

Miracle Grow

Miracle Grow Potting Soil various sizes from 8qt. - 2 cu. ft.
Miracle Grow Potting Mix 1 cu. ft. 
Miracle Grow Raised Bed Soil 1.5 cu. ft. 
Miracle Grow Performance Organic In-Ground Soil  .75 cu. ft.
Miracle Grow All Purpose Garden Soil 2 cu. ft. 

Organic Mechanics

Container Blend 2 cu. ft.
Compost Blend 2 cu. ft.
Biochar Blend 1 cu. ft 

Delivery Options

Compost & Soils
Compost, Topsoil, and Garden Soil are sold in bulk by the cubic yard. Our delivery truck can hold up to 5 yards of these products. It is possible to put two types of soil on the truck for one delivery.

Mulch is sold in bulk by the cubic yard. Our delivery truck can hold up to 7 yards of mulch depending how wet the mulch is.

$50.00 within 5-mile radius, then $7.00 per mile over 5 miles
Delivery to Philadelphia: Minimum charge $100.00

Please note that due to the weight of the truck we will not drive on your lawn.